axolotl mexican walking fish ambystoma mexicanum sandy bottom aquarium

They are looking for a brand-new fish tank task that’s a little bit various? Axolotls (Ambystoma mexicanum) are not your typical fish tank occupant.

Treatment for axolotls differs slightly from that for fish you could employ in a fish tank. We’ve put together an overview that covers all you need to know about setting up an Axolotl container and taking care of these amazing creatures.

Necessary Equipment

Below is whatever you will certainly require to establish an excellent Axolotl storage tank:

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Selecting the right storage tank is a vital part of maintaining any marine pet, as well as it’s no various for Axolotls. Regretfully, there is a great deal of out-of-date info regarding this type, consisting of on container dimension.

Contrary to what many sources will undoubtedly claim, an Axolotl cannot be kept for an extended period of time in a 10-gallon fish tank. If you plan to update later, selecting a single adolescent sample can be a good option. However, since a grown-up dimension of 10 inches is not unusual, you would be much better off choosing a larger configuration at this time.

A 20-gallon fish tank would surely work for a single Axolotl. Be mindful. As lower occupants cannot utilize a decent room, a long container is significantly superior to a high one. Make sure to provide a lot of extra space if you plan to keep more than one Axolotl; 10 additional gallons for each new salamander is a wonderful recommendation.


A filter is necessary for every fish tank. You should keep in mind that they do not appreciate excellent water circulation when choosing one for your Axolotl setup. It’s a good idea to use a straightforward kind that thwarts DIY methods by attaching a sponge item before the discharge.

Sponge filters are popular among axolotl keepers because they filter effectively without creating an excessive amount of circulation. To operate this filtering kind, you’ll need an air pump. Be sure to choose a powerful, high-quality air pump to ensure proper purification. If your container will be near a lot of people, check the sound level before installing it. Some air pumps are known to be rather noisy.


You’re not going to require an effective heating unit if you’re interested in maintaining them since Axolotls are coldwater varieties intolerant of high-temperature levels.

If the fish tank is located in an area that frequently has open windows or doors and may be subject to changing temperatures, we do always advise adding some type of heating to prevent temperature changes between night and day.

Water Test Kit

We cannot emphasize this enough: if you plan to keep fish, a water testing kit is probably something you’ll need. There are none! You may check your water quality and make sure it’s appropriate for your axolotl by using a fluid (not strip) testing kit that at the very least includes tests for ammonia/ammonium (NH3/NH4), nitrite (NO2), nitrate (NO3), and pH. ( s).

I very advise the API Freshwater Master Test Kit revealed listed below. It is (without a doubt) the most effective examination package in the marketplace.


Take a while to pick the ideal light for your Axolotl container. Lots of aquarists are used to making use of solid lights for optimum plant development, yet this is not the means to opt for this type.

Axolotls do not like bright light at all, and good lights can make them stand out. Find something else that will let you see your axis without frightening them into hiding all day.

Setting up Your Axolotl Tank

If you’ve made the decision that you want to go into Axolotl keeping, it may be tempting to dash out to the pet store and get one. Unfortunately, we must ask you to be a client a little bit longer.

Maintaining health, balance, and joy requires obtaining what has been established and prepared before taking your “Axie(s)”. It can be awful to put a pet right into an uncycled fish tank!

Getting Started: Cycling Your Aquarium

Now that you believe you have everything prepared, you can start setting up your Axolotl container. Fill up your aquarium with fish and also turn on any heating or filtering equipment.

Biking your fish tank means giving it time to develop beneficial bacteria in the filter and substrate. It pays to put some effort into this because these bacteria are the sole thing keeping the container safe for your future axolotls.

To cycle a fish tank, you start the procedure by including ammonia. We will not also go much right into it right here; if you’re not sure just how to cycle, examine our total fishless cycle overview for even more details.

Axolotl Water Values

Axolotls, like all other inhabitants of fish tanks, thrive in a particular range of water temperatures and water depths. The final point is very important because Axis is a coldwater species and will not survive in warm water at all, in contrast to exotic fish that we are accustomed to.


Your fish tank water needs to be around 64 ° F for healthy and balanced Axolotls. You’ll discover the Axie obtaining slow-moving in chillier water, yet there is no actual problem.

Ammonia, nitrate as well as nitrite

These three relate to your cycle, which we reviewed above. As you ideally recognize now, ammonia and nitrite ought to constantly go to absolutely no as they are both lethal.

Nitrate serves at reduced degrees yet attempts not to allow it to rise above 15. Carry out water alter to decrease the nitrates if this does take place.


Axolotls like reasonably complex water and your fundamental solidity ought to preferably go to the very least 100ppm, with an optimum of around 200ppm.

Choosing a Substrate

Axolotls are lower inhabitants, thus it’s wise to take your substratum type into consideration. To give your Axolotl(s) more stability if you decide to take the bare-bottom route, think about placing slate or floor tile on the base of the storage tank.

Axolotls should never be given crushed rock, marbles, or other types of pebbles. These salamanders are extremely awkward when feeding since they view almost anything as food. If they are kept on the sand, this is not a problem, but anything coarser can cause a great deal of problems.


Axolotls like hiding places and will surely appreciate some design in the aquarium. Undoubtedly, not all simple fish tank decorations will work. There are still several options available to help bolster your Axie fish aquarium somewhat.


Online plants are great; they don’t just look great. They also help to keep your water values secure, though. Choose robust species when choosing plants for your axolotl storage tank. Axis are not among the most intelligent creatures, and they have a reputation for destroying or removing delicate plants.

Furthermore, it can be challenging to discover types that can endure the reduced temperature level that Axolotls must be maintained.

For Axolotl containers, marimo moss spheres are a crowd favorite. Make sure your moss spheres are large enough to prevent fitting into an eager Axolotl’s mouth. They tolerate practically any water temperature, do not require much light, and are quite simple to maintain.

Right here are a few other plants that could function well.

  • Java Fern.
  • Water Wisteria.
  • Anubias Nana.
  • Drifting plants could be practical in producing restrained lights.


In your Axolotl container, a few strategically placed driftwood items create a great natural look and serve as hiding spaces. The best driftwood is sturdy driftwood without sharp edges; keep out anything in which the salamander(s) might become embedded.

Cholla timber and also Mopani Wood both look lovely and also function well.


Add river rocks, dragon rocks, or anything else to finish out your hardscape. As always, any stones you use should be free of calcium and other materials that could seep into your container. It’s best to stick with store-bought if you’re unsure!


To ensure that your Axolotl has a somewhere to retreat to throughout the day, try one of the many natural-looking hides available on the market. Try ceramic pipes, cichlid rocks, or Pleco replica caverns.

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Axolotl Tank Mates

Should you keep your axolotl by himself or are there other containers that can be useful? It may seem appealing to fill your container with a variety of sorts (the more the merrier, right? ), but if you want to keep Axis, this will regretfully not be an option.

There are two factors these salamanders need to be kept in a single-species setup.

Risk to the Axolotl: Axis is instead at risk. Their fragile exterior gills can quickly be harmed by fish varieties that are usually related to calm.

Risk to the tankmate: Axolotls are predators, as we’ll cover in the paragraph after this one. Some aquarists keep their Axis in a tank with small fish like guppies or minnows, but they are aware that these tankmates may likely get eaten sooner in the future.

Keeping numerous Axolotls with each other

You might be wondering if it’s possible to keep multiple Axolotls together now that we’ve established that storage tank buddies are a no-go in your Axolotl container. The answer given here is “yes,” but it’s not a straightforward yes. In order to successfully integrate Axis, you’ll need to take various things into account.

Off, as we previously covered, if you want to equip multiple Axolotls, you must keep storage tank size in mind. Since each individual needs its own space and these salamanders can grow very rapidly, add at least ten additional gallons for every additional Axie.

The insufficient space can cause fights in which arms or legs are frequently lost, and the poor sampling might not get through. This is typically done when mixing in younger axelotls or axelotls of different sizes, neither of which you should try to accomplish.

Constantly take care, ensure every Axie contends the very least one concealing area, and watch your high water quality.

Axolotl Diet Guide

Axolotls are aggressive in the wild and will surely eat anything that moves or gets too close, including (very frequently) their own eggs and younger Axolotls as well as marine pests and worms, small fish, any terrestrial pest that has submerged, and also other little amphibians.

What to prevent

When attempting to determine what to feed your Axolotl in the fish tank, there are several points to bear in mind.

These salamanders are meat eaters, but they aren’t exactly top killers. The additional hostile target makes them feel awkward and conveniently hurts them. Really tough exoskeletons can cause impaction, but their bellies can handle a lot.

Axolotl publications and overviews are utilized to relate to warm-blooded pet meat like Beefheart and liver as the optimal food options, yet enthusiasts do not suggest using these anymore.

Please stay clear of the prominent feeder fish, as they do not include the appropriate nutrients for your Axis to flourish.

Right here is a fast overview of foods you need to prevent.

  • Anything with an intricate exoskeleton.
  • Beef heart and also liver.
  • Fish.
  • Any wild captured minnows (or comparable fish).

Best Axolotl foods

If you can collect your own to ingest, there are premium predator pellet varieties available that work incredibly well for axelotls. These make a great staple option. But that’s exactly the problem—not all Axis like pellets.

Worms are considered by many Axolotl keepers to be one of the most cultivated Axie feeds available. The latter is lower in high and fat in vitamins and minerals, especially when the colon has already been pre-filled using the aforementioned nutrient pellets.

As an included reward, a worm does not have a tough exoskeleton or the power to injure your Axolotl. Just cut up more giant worms to avoid concerns and also make a suitable Axie food resource.

Along with worms as well as pellets, you can attempt feeding real-time guppies or minnows (home-bred to stop condition as well as bloodsuckers), tiny pests, or some kinds of raw fish such as codfish.

Remove any leftover food

Axolotls are extremely disagreeable eaters who frequently miss out on food that is directly in front of them, ignore food if it appears to be alive but isn’t wiggling, and spread food items all over the aquarium.

To avoid bad water problems, always dispose of any leftover food within a few hours! Remaining food in the container will undoubtedly result in a lot of high-quality water issues (which is something that you most definitely wish to stay clear of).


Axolotls are no different from any other fish tank recreation area in that problems can arise. Here, we’ll discuss a handful of the more frequently voiced issues.


Axolotls are not exotic animals and do not respond well to heat in any form, as stated in the section on water values. An Axolotl that has been heated up will undoubtedly have white mucous spots, especially on the skull. Furthermore, it might stop eating altogether or throw up food again.

When an axolotl overheats, the only thing you can do is carefully lower the temperature back to the proper range, repairing any damages as you go. Long-term waiting is not an option. Therefore, preventing overheating altogether is the best course of action. If necessary, evaluate whether the region you want to place your Axie storage tank in gets warm during the summer and choose a more comfortable space.

Usage cooling followers and air rocks throughout the warmer months and even consider purchasing a fish tank cooling system or cooling to bring the space temperature level down.

Aggression as well as shed arm or legs

Axolotls are predators who don’t give a damn about what they’ll eat next. Your best bet is to separate the Axolotl in question and maintain good water quality in the quarantine container until the injury has healed if it has lost or damaged arms or legs that do not appear tomb-like.

A mildly wounded sampling will likely be important in many circumstances because axolotls may recover body parts like legs, tails, and gills. Most likely, its new arm or legs won’t resemble its previous ones. It will be able to live normally, nevertheless.

If your Axolotl has been seriously injured by one of its tankmates, you’ll need to take it to the vet. Before buying your Axie, make sure to locate a veterinarian who treats water animals and have their contact information ready.

Position it in a bathtub in the refrigerator to reduce its metabolic process until it’s time for its visit if your veterinarian can not see the injured Axolotl right away.


Axolotls are prone to devouring small rocks and crushed rock, which can result in compaction, as discussed in the section on substratum. Additionally, the Axolotl’s digestive system is unable to handle bugs with hard exoskeletons, which might result in constriction.

What can you carry out in a situation of compaction?

Your best bet is to put the afflicted Axolotl in the fridge (unusual, I recognize … however, hear us out). This slows down its metabolism, causing it to try to process any leftover food as quickly as possible. This can be effective in getting rid of its system.

You ought to begin seeing items of poop in the container within a couple of days; if this is not the situation, you’ll regrettably need to make a veterinarian visit to see what can be done.


Axolotls are neotenic (which suggests they do not transfigure in a lot of situations), the button can occur.

The axolotl in question will eventually lose its gills and fins. It transitions from being entirely aquatic to being land-dwelling and breathing air thanks to the bulging eyes and established eyelids. Its care requirements are comparable to those of the earthbound tiger salamander, another species that is frequently kept by amphibian enthusiasts.

What’s the offer with transfigured Axolotls? If it’s not intended to take place after that, why do we sometimes see it?

An axolotl can transform normally in exceedingly rare circumstances. However, in most cases, the surgery is the result of hormone therapy or serious living issues that force the Axie to go to the land.

Unreliable fanatics are making more and more attempts to force their axelotls to change. Not something you should attempt. If you see that your axolotl is changing, look closely and patiently at the situations you’re keeping it in.


Axolotl fish tank upkeep resembles ‘routine’ maintenance, so we will not go too far right into this.

Substrate vacuuming (after feedings and also during water changes), water changes (once a week depending on the results of your water test), and filter cleaning are three of the most important tasks (bi-weekly). You might want to prune your plants and remove algae if necessary.

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