Blue tropical fish are a few one of the most prominent and also eye-capturing pets in the leisure activity.
Both the new and deep-sea aspects of the pastime have some real surprises to contemplate thanks to both the all-natural blues of many types and the efforts of limited dog breeders!
Take into consideration elevating any of these vibrantly blue fish tank fish if blue is your preferred shade!
Blue Aquarium Fish for Freshwater Tanks
Right here are a few of our preferred bluefish for freshwater fish tanks:
Blue Betta (Siamese Fighting Fish)
Despite the fact that blue is not a typical color in nature, blue Bettas are among the most well-known tropical fish in the trade. In the wild, Bettas frequently have fins that are a filthy brownish color with blue and red blending seamlessly into them.
Many captive male Bettas have flag-like fins and a striking cobalt blue color that is quite different from that of their wild progenitors because of generations of careful reproduction by Thai professionals. Bettas that are females are larger and never display the routing fins. They may also have a strong blue hue.
One reason Bettas are strong and so popular is that they are partial air rests! Because of their labyrinth body function, fish can breathe additional air when living in motionless seas where other fish would suffocate.
Consider starting a Betta Sorority if you like Bettas but don’t want to deal with the men’s homicidal manias. The best way to combine many Betta varieties in one fish tank is to join a sorority, which is a group of women who live (relatively) in peace with one another.
- Taxonomic Name: Betta splendens.
- Beginning: Thailand.
- Size: 3 inches.
- Minimum Aquarium Size: 5 gallons.
- Problem: Very Easy.

Blue Peacock Cichlid
Numerous Cichlid fish in Lake Malawi contain varying degrees of blue. The magnificent Peacock Cichlid, though, has one of the most intensely colored patterns of all of them. Peacocks are blue tropical fish, but they also come in albino, marble, and yellow color variations!
Blue Peacocks, which are just territorial and semi-aggressive, are ideal for African Cichlid neighborhood storage tanks, where individuals frequently dart between rocks and occasionally adopt hostile screens. In many ways, Rift Lake’s cichlid aquariums are freshwater versions of coral reef aquariums.
Heaven Peacock needs hard water (pH 7.7-8.6) with lots of liquified minerals for permanent wellness, same like the other African Cichlids from Rift Lake. Water temperatures should be comfortable (between 74 and 78 degrees Fahrenheit), but not too warm. They lose color, are unable to reproduce, and eventually perish when housed in issues that are more typical for freshwater neighborhood storage tanks.
- Taxonomic Name: Aulonocara nyassae.
- Beginning: Lake Malawi, Africa.
- Size: 8 inches.
- Minimum Aquarium Size: 55 gallons.
- Problem: Moderate.
Lake Kutubu Rainbowfish
In one of the least distant and industrialized regions in the globe, Papua New Guinea, Lake Kutubu Rainbowfish are only found in a single isolated river and a lake. Despite this, they are quite common in the fish tank industry since they are robust, beautiful, and simple to breed.
Their small size (4 inches) makes them great dither fish for Cichlids and other semi-aggressive fish, and their amazing rainbow-like blue flanks are interesting to watch when they train each other. The tranquil Lake Kutubu Rainbowfish can be maintained with Livebearers, Tetras, and other small local fish.
They should be kept in groups of at least six and also in fish tanks no lower than 30 gallons due to the fact that they are active, educated, and also medium-sized. When kept smaller, men and couples will not express their most delicate side until there are women there to excite them. Rainbowfish frequently exhibit nervousness.
- Taxonomic Name: Melanotaenia lacustris.
- Beginning: Papua New Guinea.
- Size: 4 inches.
- Minimum Aquarium Size: 30 gallons.
- Trouble: Easy.

Blue Delta Guppy
Guppies are notoriously very easy to reproduce, feed, as well as maintain. They can also be found in numerous magnificent shade morphs, from Reticulated and Fire Red to among my faves: heaven Delta Guppy.
Unlike some bluefish tank fish, Blue Delta Guppies are highly variable. Some men have blue tinting primarily in the back fifty percent of their body and their large, triangular delta tail fin.
Given that Guppies might wait for weeks before abruptly reproducing, keeping a hanging dog breeder box available ensures that females have a place to give birth. Additionally, you may take care of the young fry without worrying about other fish eating them!
- Taxonomic Name: Poecilia reticulata.
- Beginning: South America.
- Size: 2 inches.
- Minimum Aquarium Size: 5 gallons.
- Trouble: Very simple.
Blue Gourami
Blue Gourami have belonged to the tropical fish profession for years. They are reasonably sized and forgiving of a vast array of water problems. They are exceptional selections for the tool to huge area fish tanks.
Despite having tiny mouths, blue tropical fish can be really unpleasant. When kept in groups, blue gouramis frequently bully fish that are smaller than them, and males frequently press up against one another. Their lack of natural teeth prevents them from causing serious harm to themselves or their tank mates.
Gouramis, like Bettas, are Labyrinth Fish that must breathe air to move through stagnant, boiling fish pools. The Electric Blue Dwarf Gourami is a lovely option that is smaller and completely calm if the Blue Gourami is too big and expensive for your neighborhood container.
- Taxonomic Name: Trichogaster trichopterus.
- Beginning: Southeast Asia.
- Size: 6 inches.
- Minimum Aquarium Size: 30 gallons.
- Problem: Very Easy.
Blue Fish for Saltwater Aquariums
Deep-sea types are understood for their intense shades. Below are a few of our preferred blue tropical fish for marine coral reef containers.

Royal Blue Tang
Recognized as the Hippo Tang, this fish has discovered eternal popularity via Finding Nemo’s Dory! Unlike Common Clownfish, they aren’t specifically beginner-friendly fish.
The Royal Blue Tang is less sensitive than some of its relatives. They should never be the first fish added and do need a safe, fully developed fish tank. Like other Tangs, they are primarily vegan and require a wide variety of macroalgae in addition to whole vegetables and prepared vegan foods to thrive.
Royal Blue Tangs take to a rich blue when given a lot of places and vegetables, which contrasts wonderfully with their black, red stripes, and yellow tails. They may be kept in groups in the larger fish tank (150+ gallons) and are also among of the most tolerant Tangs of their own kind.
- Taxonomic Name: Paracanthurus hepatus.
- Beginning: Indo-Pacific.
- Size: 12 inches.
- Minimum Aquarium Size: 75 gallons.
- Trouble: Moderate.
Yellowtail Blue Damselfish
The majority of Damselfish often tend to be semi-aggressive to hostile. The Yellowtail Blue Damselfish is a design person if you’re looking for an aquatic blue fish tank fish!
Yellowtail Blue Damselfish need to be maintained in small teams of 3 to 6 people. When held alone, they can transform semi-aggressive in the direction of fish comparable in shade or form.
Yellowtail Blue Damselfish are planktivores, which means they eat germs, baby fish, and small shellfish that are freely drifting in the water column. They like online foods like copepods and brine shrimp nauplii in addition to regular prepared dishes.
- Taxonomic Name: Chrysiptera para soma.
- Beginning: Indian Ocean.
- Size: 2 inches.
- Minimum Aquarium Size: 15 Gallons.
- Problem: Very Easy.
Cherub Pygmy Angelfish
It is commonly known that among of the largest and most difficult-to-care-for deep-sea fish are angelfish. The Dwarf Angelfish (Centropyge sp.) outperform the Cherub Angelfish in this trend and are much more useful.
The Cherub Angel, the smallest Angelfish of them all, is a superb choice for tiny storage tanks looking for a blue tropical fish to boost points. Cherubs, like all angelfish, must be handled carefully in micro coral reefs.
Angelfish regularly forage on the real-time rock for sessile microorganisms, biofilm, and also macroalgae. Reefs, sponges, and also clams might obtain nipped now and then.
Cherub Angelfish are wonderful additions to grow fish tanks that have been completely cycled, even if no angelfish can be said to be durable. Provide a hearty selection of omnivorous options, including vegan-based pellets or flakes, Mysid shrimp, and standard aquatic flakes.
While Cherub Angelfish are peaceful toward other fish in the aquarium, they are agitating toward one another. Additionally, regardless of the size of the storage tank, two men will undoubtedly fight to the death.
- Scientific Name: Centropyge argi.
- Beginning: Western Atlantic.
- Size: 5 inches.
- Minimum Aquarium Size: 20 gallons.
- Trouble: Easy.

Asfur Angelfish
With a brilliant yellow crescent that contrasts with the dark blue and black tones, the Asfur Angelfish is unquestionably gorgeous. They resemble the similarly related Koran Angelfish when they are young due to their marbling of white, blue, and black (Pomacanthus semicircular).
Despite their size, they are among the toughest angelfish and readily accept a variety of frozen, ready, and online foods. Additionally mild-mannered, Asfur angelfish have a tendency to be reticent and also reserved. To feel secure swimming in open water, they must be given harsh protrusions and collapse.
While they are passionate eaters, Asfur Angels should still be offered ready icy Angelfish solutions consisting of fresh sponges on the celebration.
- Taxonomic Name: Pomacanthus fur.
- Beginning: Red Sea, Persian Gulf.
- Size: 16 inches.
- Minimum Aquarium Size: 125 Gallons.
- Problem: Easy.
Neon Blue Goby
The Neon Blue Goby is just one of the best blue tropical fish for nano coral reefs and fish just containers. They are additionally routinely marketed as Cleaner Gobies.
These gobies choose an area where larger fish pass frequently, just like cleaner shrimp do. Then, they pick at exposed skin and bloodsuckers while they glide down the flanks, gills, and also inside the mouths of various other fish.
Although they are generally quiet, Neon Blue Gobies can be aggressive toward members of their own species as well as other Gobies, Blennies, and Dartfish. They frequently have a favorite perch, which they ferociously defend against intruders.
Providing a lot of perches or simply ensuring that they are housed in a big fish tank easily controls the issue. They should be fed little heavy things like icy or online brine shrimp and copepods together with protein-rich prepared dishes because they are little murderers!
- Taxonomic Name: Elacatinus oceans.
- Beginning: Western Atlantic.
- Size: 2 inches.
- Minimum Aquarium Size: 10 gallons.
- Problem: Easy.