closeup beautiful exotic colorful little fish

Fish tanks are supposed to be relaxing and hassle-free. Sometimes people choose fish that are both difficult and delicate. Or poor, hardened, conveniently concerned, etc.

If you’re seeking for fish that take little maintenance and are trouble-free, you’re in luck because there are several species that meet your needs. I’ve listed the top 15 options for relaxed cruising right here!

15 Low Maintenance Fish for a Stress-Free Tank

Below are 15 reduced upkeep fish that you need to take into consideration equipping in your container:


Betta fish may be the lowest maintenance fish for a worry-free aquarium! There aren’t any negatives to keeping them, except from their occasionally subpar social skills, because they are as beautiful as they are resilient. Betta men are notorious for being aggressive and are frequently seen swimming alone in glass tanks on the shelves of pet stores. This is just partially true.

Betta men will undoubtedly engage in deadly combat with one another. When kept with other fish, Bettas are much friendlier toward women and frequently disregard the majority of the fish in their tank mates. Although bettas can tolerate cold temperatures, they are still exotic fish and should in any case have a heating system. They prefer temperatures between 75 to 84 °F, which is substantially warmer than the surrounding air!

Additionally, a filter ensures that the water’s quality is always superb. They eat healthfully and proactively look for their container. If nitrate, nitrite, or ammonia are allowed to build up, it not only causes strain but also increases their risk of getting sick.

Betta fish, which can live up to five years if properly cared for, are known for building bubble nests and anticipating their next meal with a lot of vigor. Many aquarists also attempt to call their Betta because of how unique they are.

  • Taxonomic Name: Betta splendens.
  • Beginning: Thailand.
  • Dimension: 2 to 3 inches.
  • Character: Peaceful to Semi-Aggressive.

Zebra Danio

Most exotic fish seen in pet stores do just as well in cold water fish tanks. Species is one of the most popular options, but there are also many smaller, more colorful fish available.

Zebra Danios are one of my favorite low-maintenance fish. They make excellent starter fish since they are small, attractively shaped, incredibly robust, and simple to produce. They originate from South Asia, where they often swim in hip, well-oxygenated hill streams, like all Danios do.

As a result, they can easily survive in space temperature water and foreign environments at 75 °F before stress and anxiety set in. Zebra Danios are cautious around Goldfish and Barbs since they are Cyprinids.

Additionally, they are fervent omnivores, much like these fish! Give them food for both plants and animals. Spirulina flakes, frozen saltwater shrimp, and prepared feeds like pellets and flakes all contribute to the best possible shade and spawning.

Numerous variants of Zebra Danios are also available, including Golden Zebras, Albinos, Leopard, and Longfin Zebra Danios. Everyone will surely get along well and also willingly copy each other.

  • Taxonomic Name: Danio rerio.
  • Beginning: South Asia.
  • Dimension: 1 1/2– 2 inches.
  • Personality: Peaceful; Schooling.
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Livebearers are recognized for being stress-free, inexpensive, and easy to maintain. Along with Platies, this team also contains of the Swordtail, Guppy, and Molly, who are close relatives of Platies. Each has its merits, but Platies and Guppies seem to be the fish that require the least amount of maintenance overall.

Everything will definitely be consumed by plies. They will in fact purchase flakes, frozen meals, hair algae, blanched vegetables, and anything else you give them. Platies come in a remarkable range of color options as well. Additionally, two identical parents may produce fry that grows up immediately into a rainbow as a result of their well-balanced genetic makeup.

You must move the mother to another reproduction box before she gives birth if you think you want to increase the fry. Livebearers are well known for eating their own young; eventually, the mother will turn on them.

Or they are model area homeowners who will certainly disregard most of their container companions and trigger no trouble.

  • Taxonomic Name: Xiphophorus maculatus, variatus.
  • Beginning: Mexico.
  • Dimension: 2 inches.
  • Personality: Peaceful.

Dwarf Otocinclus

Choosing an algae eater for a community storage tank might be a real challenge. Some species, like the Common Plecostomus, get bigger and more aggressive as they age. The Dwarf Otocinclus, which is under 2 inches, is a calm and instructive option.

They can consume algae just as effectively as their more important relatives. Since they are quite gentle with delicate plants and fantastic fallen leaves, they are also much superior algae eaters ingrown fish tanks.

After they’ve cleared the algae from your container, you need to give them fresh and prepared vegan food. They must be fed either in the morning or at night because they are unable to consume different fish throughout the day.

As Amazonian citizens, you should maintain your Otos in raised exotic temperature levels (75-84 ℉). They additionally choose soft, acidic to neutral problems (pH 5.5-7.0).

  • Taxonomic Name: Otocinclus vittatus.
  • Beginning: Amazon River.
  • Dimension: 1 to 1 1/2 inches.
  • Personality: Peaceful; Schooling.


Most people have kept a Goldfish at some point or another. They represent the meaningful definition of trouble-free. That is, as long as you keep their fish tank ammonia-free and also clean!

notification that I meant to say “fish tank” instead of “dish.” Not everyone is aware that Goldfish may grow from 8 to 24 inches in length when expanded. Additionally, as their waste materials accumulate, the smallest varieties will surely grow out of a glass dish or, more likely, perish.

Make sure your goldfish have a fish pond or storage tank. They will surely eat beside anything you give them because they are omnivores. The delicate plants Cabomba and Anacharis are favorites of theirs as well.

Avoid being too attached to your plants lingering in one spot for too long because fish also enjoy digging.

They are among the fish with the most possibilities, with literally thousands of different species. They all require equal attention, so feel free to mix and match as you wish!

  • Taxonomic Name: Carassius auratus.
  • Beginning: East Asia.
  • Dimension: 8 to 24 inches.
  • Character: Peaceful.
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White Cloud Minnow

White Cloud Minnows are small relatives of both Barbs and Goldfish since they are Cyprinids. White Clouds, often referred to as the “Poor Man’s Neon Tetra,” have been around for a while but have never really gained much popularity.

They have a large red stripe that collects light and acts as a signal to rivals and friends, much like Neon Tetras do. These fish live in cold water. They opt for ranges between 62 and 72 °F. They succeed at 41 °F, so colder is great!

They start to become anxious and change color after 72 °F. Men have a brighter body red stripe, redfin sides, and a ruby red nose. White Cloud Minnows can be kept in large numbers in tiny nano storage tanks and, despite the fact that they will undoubtedly compete for females, are generally calm.

White Clouds will eat anything that is little, ready, or in-the-moment. They prefer water issues with moderate to low tide firmness and a pH range of 6.5 to 7.5.

  • Taxonomic Name: Tanichthys bonuses.
  • Beginning: Southern China & Northern Vietnam.
  • Dimension: 1 1/2 inches.
  • Personality: Peaceful; Schooling.


Guppies might be easier to reproduce than a variety of other livebearers! Another common term for them is “Million Fish” since they can easily produce even in messy conditions.

If they do not have a safe place to keep their parents away from them, they frequently tend to consume their young. Some of the fries should reach maturity in a fish tank with plenty of living space or dense plants like Guppy Grass (Naja guadalupensis).

Guppies require less upkeep as compared to other fish when they are living together. The men will undoubtedly pursue women with fervor and occasionally get into small fights. They typically don’t care about other fish and are very calm.

Guppies are omnivores yet have a little preference for pet healthy proteins. They prefer blood worms, insect larvae, and other insect larvae in particular. Additionally, they will consume softer algae options.

  • Taxonomic Name: Poecilia reticulata.
  • Beginning: South America.
  • Dimension: 1 to 1 1/2 inches.
  • Character: Peaceful.

Ghost Shrimp

They are wonderful family pets as long as you keep them with fish that are too little to eat them. Any fish on this list, besides Goldfish, would make a lovely container companion for them. Ghost Shrimp get their name from their nearly transparent camouflage, which helps them blend in with the marshes that are overgrown with plants and are where they live.

In retailers, they frequently appear ugly and light. Once they are immediately worked out into a fish tank with mature fish, they develop fascinating marbled patterns and red antennae! Considering how affordable they are, it makes no sense to buy just one of these colorful shrimp.

When it’s time to eat, ghost shrimp will typically swim directly with the water column, eagerly grabbing flakes and other particles. Being native to North America, they can withstand temperatures between 65 and 80 °F and a wide range of water chemistries.

  • Taxonomic Name: Palaemonetes paludosus.
  • Beginning: North America.
  • Dimension: 1 inch.
  • Character: Peaceful.
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Ramshorn Snail

Ramshorn snails require very little maintenance and are easy to care for. They are known for having the ability to breed like bunnies, therefore they can occasionally be a little too easy to care for!

These snails are hermaphrodites, unlike many pets. If there are no nearby partners, it is likely that they can self-fertilize and have both female and male bodily organs. In just a few weeks, one snail can multiply to hundreds.

Not all of it is subpar. Ramshorn snails are excellent detritivores, eating leftover food, algae, dead plant matter, and fish feces. They are among the more active varieties of snail and come in a variety of attractive colors.

You can take a few steps to keep their numbers under control. Fresh lettuce or zucchini that has been trimmed very low over the night will also draw their attention. After that, you can get rid of as many as you need to keep their population in check.

You can even add killers like Assassin Snails or Pea Puffer Fish, both of which enjoy eating Ramshorn Snails!

  • Taxonomic Name: Planorbidae household.
  • Beginning: Worldwide.
  • Dimension: Up to 1 inch in size.
  • Personality: Peaceful.

Neon Tetra

When you hear the phrase “fish tank,” one of the species that comes to mind right away is a neon tetra. Many of the early fish in the hobby are these. They not only have a long history of storage tank reproduction, but they also thrive in a wide range of temperature and pH extremes.

However, they enjoy exotic issues as well as soft, acidic water, much like many Tetras do. They aren’t quite as fragile as the Cardinal Tetra, a close relative. Cardinals are more necessary in terms of water quality because they are frequently caught in the wild.

Even though neon tetras are considerably simpler to breed than other tetras, it can occasionally be challenging. The best way to discourage them from producing is to provide them with an abundance of fresh real-time feeds and Amazonian water problems.

They are educational fish that live in natural communities of hundreds to tens of thousands of individuals. They should never be kept in groups smaller than six fish because doing so makes them uneasy.

  • Taxonomic Name: Paracheirodon innesi.
  • Beginning: South America.
  • Dimension: 1 1/2 inches.
  • Character: Peaceful; Schooling.

Dwarf Gourami

A diverse group of South and Southeast Asian fish make up the gourami family. Many tools are far too large in size. However, the dwarf gourami is a small, low-maintenance plant that is the simple choice for a small area container.

Like Bettas, they can take a breath of climatic air to supplement the oxygen they obtain from the water. Men will likewise develop bubble nests and attempt to coax women to generate underneath them.

Dwarf Gourami men are much more colorful and will definitely compete for females. They aren’t nearly as hostile as Bettas and a few guys, who can coexist peacefully in close quarters when given at least 10 gallons of space each.

All gouramis prefer temperatures between 76 and 84 °F and a pH range of 5.5 to 7.0. They must be fed a combination of ready foods that are appropriately sized and a tiny prey, like as daphnia and saltwater shrimp, to act as predators.

  • Taxonomic Name: Trichogaster allies.
  • Beginning: South Asia.
  • Dimension: 3 inches.
  • Character: Peaceful; Territorial.

Cherry Barb

Barbs can cause a little bit of problems. Many species, including Tiger Barbs, have the potential to be aggressive and territorial. Others will surely grow out of almost the largest fish tanks, such the TInfoil Barb.

Cherry Barbs are in this group of extremely active fish that are some of the calmest. These Barbs are native to the island of Sri Lanka and reside in establishments around rocky rivers and streams.

They live in the same ecological niche as Tetras: they are diminutive, intelligent micro killers who like to prey on insect larvae and many other insignificant creatures.

Both sexes are attractively shaped when ready to reproduce, but the men have a ruby red tint that intensifies to a deep crimson. To catch the eggs they eventually scatter about, it’s always a good idea to give them sturdy plants like java moss.

  • Taxonomic Name: Puntius titteya.
  • Beginning: Sri Lanka.
  • Dimension: 1 1/2 inches.
  • Character: Peaceful; Schooling.

Kuhli Loach

Some of my favorite base dwellers are loaches. They are active throughout the day and do not hesitate to eat, in contrast to many catfish. For the most part, people are calm and also gregarious with their tank companions.

Since Kuhli loaches are little, colorful, and remarkably strangely shaped, they may be among the most well-known types. They adore digging like all loaches do, so provide them a good sand substrate to live in. Otherwise, a rock might easily hurt them due to their delicate, scaleless skin.

They enjoy eating invertebrates, live tubifex, bloodworms, and several other prey items. They will also choose prepared dishes that find their way to the bottom.

The only loaches that will actually breed in bondage are Kuhli loaches, although they often need a mature container with soft, acidic issues in order to lay eggs.

Even though they require no maintenance and are hassle-free, they thrive in waters with a pH range of 5.0 to 6.5, where the tannins from driftwood and decaying plants buffer the water’s acidity.

If you don’t want to put driftwood in the storage tank, think about using water substances that mimic their natural difficulties. Discus, Cardinal Tetras, and Angelfish are some further blackwater fish.

  • Taxonomic Name: Pangio kuhlii.
  • Beginning: Malaysia & Indonesia.
  • Dimension: 4 inches.
  • Personality: Peaceful.
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Black Skirt Tetra

Black Skirt Tetras are a popular choice for aquarists looking for low maintenance fish for a worry-free aquarium, despite their subdued coloration. Despite being bigger than the bulk of Tetras, they are still calm.

Their distinctive name comes from the fact that their fins are typically a little longer. There are other long-finned species with fins that resemble shrouds considerably more! These voracious predators prefer everything heavy, including regular flakes and pellets as well as saltwater shrimp and bloodworms.

Among the popular varieties of Glofish in modern recreational activities are Black Skirt Tetras. The first widely accessible genetically engineered family pet is a glofish! They employ the DNA of coral reefs and jellyfish to fluoresce under UV light.

They can reproduce real with wild kind Black Skirt Tetras and also hand down this characteristic. Their treatment is likewise similar, so mix as well as suit as you please!

  • Taxonomic Name: Gymnocorymbus ternetzi.
  • Beginning: Brazil.
  • Dimension: 2 1/2 inches.
  • Personality: Peaceful; Schooling.

Celestial Pearl Danio

Some of the most well-liked products in the market right now are celestial pearl danios (CPDs). They are tiny nanofish from Myanmar that are ideal for grown fish tanks because of their wonderful coloration. While a little more unusual than the majority of the fish on our list, CPDs are really easy to care for. The only real requirements are that the water be as close to neutral (pH 6.5-7.5) as possible and a little cooler than most foreign fish (70-75 °F).

They are not true educational fish, in contrast to many Danios. In CPDs, men compete for the attention of wandering groups of women in small areas. Please make sure there are enough of decorations and plants for the males to build their own zones around because they have a tendency to constantly cross established limits.

Instead, they are hesitant and require a lot of plant protection in order to feel secure. CPDs are some of the most trouble-free fish around and are at ease around their container companions.

  • Taxonomic Name: Danio margaritatus.
  • Beginning: Myanmar.
  • Dimension: 1 inch.
  • Personality: Peaceful; Shy.

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