Beautiful varieties of Gourami in pretty much any color you can imagine can be found at every fish tank retailer. These fish from the labyrinth uphold reliable fish tank standards. But great attractiveness also breeds a lot of misunderstandings. Gouramis are frequently present in nearby storage tanks, which undoubtedly contributes to aggression, stress, and anxiety as these fish may be both timid and a bit violent.
Which fish can you incorporate with your Gourami( s) without developing trouble? We’ve assembled 13 ideal Gourami container companions that will undoubtedly cohabit in harmony with these sensational leading occupants.
Choosing Tank Mates for Gouramis: Things To Look For
There are a couple of standards that you can comply with to conveniently stay clear of any troubles if you’re interested in maintaining your Gourami( s) in an area container.
This means they won’t always be able to assert themselves against fin-nippers and will feel anxious when incorporated with really spirited container mates. It’s out if it’s hyper or might chase your gorrami. There are many different kinds, and some of them, such the enormous gourami and the kissing gourami, are not as timid and can turn into harassers.
Water worths
Many easily reproduced gouramis are adaptable and probably thrive in a wide range of water temperatures. These fish originate from waters that are initially acidic and a little soft. Guppies, for example, want more demanding water, so they’re not a good choice because similar water values are better in your fish tank, so be sure to choose aquarium buddies who will not mind a slightly reduced pH.
Aquarium set up
Their ecosystem is made up of calm streams and fish ponds with little water movement, dark water, and an abundance of vegetation. Fish that prefer a setting that is even more like a hill stream or need a lot of space to swim are excluded.
13 Best Gourami Tank Mates
Right here are a few of our fave container friends for Gourami.
1. Panda Corydoras (Corydoras panda)
If there is one dish you must have in your tank for gouramis, it is cory catfish. Because they live in the top water layer and don’t mind the company of most bottom-dwellers, shy goramis find them to be the finest tank companions.
If you’re interested in keeping it, you won’t need a large storage tank because this type is still rather little. Feed a mixture of sinking pellets for the catfish and floating snacks for the gouramis to prevent your panda cories from going hungry.
Problem degree: Easy.
Character: Peaceful.
Minimum storage tank dimension: 15 gallons.

2. Glowlight Tetra (Hemigrammus erythrozonus)
This serene educational fish is a great match for gouramis since it is less “neon” in color, which reduces the likelihood that the gourami may mistake it for a rival. You might also consider using fallen leaves (such as Indian almond leaves) as debris or by adding some drifting plants to dim the light.
Your Gouramis will not mind, as the Tetras populate one more water layer. They are energetic. They are likewise extraordinarily tranquil and also will not trouble storage tank companions.
Problem degree: Easy.
Character: Peaceful.
Minimum container dimension: 20 gallons.
3. Kuhli Loach (Pangio spp.)
The various coaches from the Pangio category (often with a dark and a clustered yellow-brown pattern) provide a great storage tank partner choice for any fish that needs calm and discrete firmness. These long loaches are evening, so they spend a lot of their daytime hiding in any nook or crevice they can find.
They prefer social interactions, so get a large squad (8+) for the best delight. Consider placing a moonlight so you can observe this action as their task level grows at night and they zoom all around the container.
Like Corydoras, these bottom fish will certainly value sinking pellets to avoid starving Gouramis from eating their foods before they get to the substratum.
Trouble degree: Easy.
Character: Peaceful.
Minimum container dimension: 20 gallons.

4. Buffoon Rasbora (Trigonostigma heteromorpha)
If you’re looking for a fish that adds some life to your fish tank without bothering your gourami, Harlequin Rasboras are another colorful and active educational fish that are a great choice. These tiny Rasboras don’t need a huge aquarium, and they have a solution for water issues that Gouramis will definitely appreciate.
If you want to keep Harlequin Rasboras, you won’t need a complicated fish tank setup. They’ll appreciate it if you try to mimic their natural habitat, which consists of small, serene streams with lots of living plants. In the fish tank, you might try using low-light plants like Java Fern, which are easy to grow and don’t mind a lack of bright light.
Trouble degree: Easy.
Personality: Peaceful.
Minimum storage tank dimension: 15 gallons (long).
5. Bristlenose Pleco (Ancistrus sp.)
Shy fish pair nicely with small Plecostomus catfish varieties, including the well-known Bristlenose Pleco. They aren’t particularly active and will certainly spend a lot of time hanging around on the glass or the lowest part of the storage tank.
They shouldn’t enlarge much past 5 inches. The best fish for small fish tanks aren’t bristlenoses and various Plecos. If you’re interested in maintaining this kind, we advise at least a 30-gallon storage tank because it generates a lot of trash. This makes it a great container mate for some of the larger Gourami species, such as the vibrant Blue Gourami and the beautifully colored Pearl Gourami.
Trouble degree: Easy.
Character: Peaceful.
Minimum container dimension: 30 gallons.
6. Amano Shrimp (Caridina japonica)
Because they are sufficiently large to avoid being nibbled at or eaten, amano shrimp make great Gourami container companions. This is in contrast to diminutive shrimp like cherry shrimp. This is also true for ghost shrimp from the genus Palaemonetes, but they are a bit more forceful and might end up bothering your goramis. Given that they don’t have as great of an appetite for algae as Amano Shrimp, Ghost Shrimp are also somewhat less valued.
If you have little experience, do not worry because Amano Shrimp are easy to manage. All that these shrimp need is access to a variety of vegetable-based diets including algae, algal wafers, and the occasional piece of blanched spinach or zucchini. Congestion won’t be an issue because they reproduce in brackish water fish tanks.
Trouble degree: Easy.
Character: Peaceful.
Minimum storage tank dimension: 10 gallons.
7. Dwarf Crayfish (Cambarellus sp.)
Crayfish frequently have a negative online reputation in the hobby of keeping fish. This is not surprising given that large crayfish kinds are terrible team players and are more likely to eat their container neighbors than live peacefully side by side. The little dwarf crayfish in the Cambarellus category have a wide range of points.
Due to the fact that they live in a completely different water layer and are bottom fish, dwarf crayfish are perfect Gourami container buddies (even if a Gourami does occur to try to trouble the relaxed Crayfish, it can stand its ground as well as should not receive any injuries).
To keep your dwarf crayfish happy, make sure your fish tank has plenty of hiding places (shrimp apartments are a popular choice). As was already said, ground cover is also prized, which is convenient because it is a natural component of the Gourami ecosystem.
Problem degree: Easy.
Character: Peaceful.
Minimum storage tank dimension: 8 gallons.
8. Secret Snail (Pomacea bridgesii)
Still think snails are uninteresting (or a little gross)? The addition of water snails to many fish tanks, including gorami storage tanks, is fun and healthy.
Enigma Snails are an excellent container companion alternative for your gourami because they are calm. They are strong enough to withstand any nips from a Gourami who is interested. By taking care of any leftover food, they will also contribute to keeping your fish tank clean. They’re interesting to look at and come in a variety of colors, including white, yellow, blue, and purple.
Trouble degree: Easy.
Character: Peaceful.
Minimum storage tank dimension: 15 gallons.
9. Cherry Barb (Puntius titteya)
If you are familiar with a few aspects of Barbs from the Puntius genus, you might be surprised to find one on a list of Gourami tank buddies. Due to their high levels of energy and potential for aggression, many Barb species aren’t the best fit for fish who are calm and shy in their tanks.
When it comes to water values, Cherry Carbs have similar options to Gouramis, but they are far more adaptable and can be utilized for a variety of purposes. These are educational fish, so gather a group of at least 8 if you want to fully understand their natural behaviors.
Problem degree: Easy.
Character: Peaceful.
Minimum storage tank dimension: 20 gallons.

10. Otocinclus Catfish (Otocinclus sp.)
They fully blend in with timid Dwarf Gouramis because they are most definitely not a fish to bother their tank mates. You’ll need to keep track of your water usage and always ensure that your container is spotless.
Otocinclus are wonderful at eating algae, but unhappily, our home fish tanks are frequently too “tidy” to accommodate a group (attempt to access the very least 5). To make sure they are well-fed, give them plenty of algae wafers and blanched vegetables like zucchini. By adding some smooth river rocks to a container with water and keeping it in a well-lit area, you can also grow your very own environmentally friendly algae. These rocks may then be added to your fish tank as an additional food source.
Trouble degree: Hard.
Character: Peaceful.
Minimum storage tank dimension: 10 gallons.
11. Pygmy Corydoras (Corydoras pygmaeus, hastatus, habrosus)
Extra Corydoras? Yes, hear us out right here. Corydoras pygmaeus, status, and Ambrosius, jointly referred to as Pygmy Cories, vary from the Panda Cory reviewed previously.
Pygmy Corydoras are a great choice if you’re searching for a fish to liven up your aquarium. Their animated movements are entertaining to see as well as energetic. Gouramis are primarily bottom fish, so they won’t mind their visibility (except for Corydoras pygmaeus, which additionally tends to see the center water layer).
But keep in mind that keeping these tiny fish in large groups is absolutely essential. If they get fewer than ten samplings, they tend to be hesitant and mostly stay in their hiding places. It also provides a lot of cover in the shape of tunnels, driftwood, and rock formations.
Trouble degree: Easy.
Character: Peaceful.
Minimum container dimension: 15 gallons.
12. Cinder Tetra (Hyphessobrycon Amanda)
The small Ember Tetra, as its name suggests, is the best addition to your fish tank if you want to add a splash of color. This educational fish is absolutely calm and not overly active, so your gorramis won’t mind its activities. Both gouramis and ash tetras prefer similar types of water: soft, slightly dark water with abundant of vegetation.
Keep your Ember Tetras in schools of at least eight fish, ideally 12 or more. Larger groups will exhibit more interesting, natural (reproduction) behaviors and may produce without your intervention. If there is a lot of cover in the form of drifting plants, you might find that some of the fry survive to adulthood without being eaten by your gourami.
Trouble degree: Easy.
Personality: Peaceful.
Minimum storage tank dimension: 15 gallons.
13. Various other Gourami
If you’re looking for container companions for your gorami, the last thing you probably think of is other goramis. You might be surprised to learn that some species can be kept in small groups rather than alone or in sets; for example, hareems with one man and many women can work nicely. Access at least a few women and leave plenty of room in case there are any territorial disputes.
Gourami Stocking Guide
Are you seeking to establish a Gourami storage tank? Right here are a couple of outstanding equipping instances.
10 gallon container
Leading water layer: Sparkling Gourami (1M, 1F).
Invertebrate: Dwarf Crayfish (x3).
15 gallon storage tank
Leading water layer: Dwarf Gourami (x1).
Base water layer: Corydoras habrosus (x10).
Invertebrate: Amano Shrimp (x3).
20 gallon container
Leading water layer: Dwarf Gourami (1M, 1F).
Center water layer: Harlequin Rasbora (x10).
All water layers: Otocinclus Catfish (x6).
30 gallon container
Leading water layer: Dwarf Gourami (1M, 2F).
Center water layer: Glowlight Tetra (x12).
Base water layer: Panda Corydoras (x8).
Invertebrate: Mystery Snail (x2).
40 gallon container
Leading water layer: Pearl Gourami (1M, 1F).
Center water layer: Ember Tetra (x15).
Base water layer: Kuhli Loach (x10).
Invertebrate: Amano Shrimp (x5).